Music Ministry at UMCSCC takes many forms, and we believe there's a place for everyone who wants to serve! In addition to leading both contemporary and traditional worship services, our soloist and ensembles take their music and their message out into the community. Here are some of the musical opportunities:
(Audio, Visual, Lights, & Camera)
In addition to our Music Ministry is our Media Team. Sound, lights, and visual imagery don't just happen on their own. They are vitally important in setting the mood for worship and keeping the service running smoothly. If you have any interest in serving backstage, we invite you to become part of our team. No experience necessary. Some areas you are able to serve are:
Rodgers Infiniti 484

Our Organ is well loved by the congregation and community. The organ participates in leading worship and provides colorful preludes and postludes. The organ is used in concert with other instruments and in solo recitals which receive critical acclaim by other organists and musicians.