"Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All Nations"
-Matthew 28:18-20
February Missions of the Month
Residing Hope
We are truly humbled and honored that you have selected Residing Hope as your Mission of the Month for February. Residing Hope? Yes, that’s right! After years of thoughtful consideration, we rebranded on March 16, 2024, to a name that we believe better reflects who we are and all that we do.
Founded in 1908 as an orphanage in Enterprise, Florida, Residing Hope, previously known as The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home, has evolved into a multifaceted organization with significant depth and breadth. We support children through two residential campuses (Enterprise and Madison) and provide Independent Living services in Enterprise. Our community-based services include a foster care program that serves children across four counties and a Montessori School in Enterprise. Additionally, we offer outpatient therapeutic counseling to children and families in ten counties.
Some highlights of our organization include our Equine Therapy program at the Madison Youth Ranch, which consistently makes a profound impact on young lives, encouraging them to open up to their counselors and others. This form of therapy has led to numerous transformed lives, confessions of faith in Christ, and baptisms symbolizing new beginnings! Our Spiritual Life Team on the Enterprise campus celebrates youths that made the brave decision to step out in faith and were baptized this past year. Furthermore, some of our youths began weekly piano lessons and performed in their first recital, while several others collaborated to write three original songs that we now incorporate into our Sunday worship!
We could not accomplish anything without your inspiring partnership with us. The continuing consistent support of the local church is the backbone of our ministry. Thank you!
If you are interested in helping children and young adults succeed in life, consider donating to Residing Hope this month supporting children and youth in need of your help.

We are a passionate congregation about reaching out in our local community as well as across the world with the love of Jesus Christ. We try to include an element of Missions in almost everything we do. We love traveling to places such as Africa, Peru, Cuba and many more as well as helping local missions such as the Fight Against Human Trafficking, Good Samaritan Mission, our UMC Children's Home and many more. Please consider getting involved in making a difference.
For more information about any of our mission ministries contact the church office at 813-634-2538

The Disaster Response Team helps those who have been impacted by hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or other disastrous situations. We respond both locally and beyond our community to provide help. The Disaster Response Team’s mission is
“To provide a caring Christian presence in the
aftermath of disaster”.
For further information regarding this mission ministry, please click the the button below:

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Mission of the Month at the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. As the Mission team, we are excited to learn more about your mission.
We receive many requests to become part of this program. We prayerfully read all applications with special consideration given to missions whose program is dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ and show a proven history of successful ministry. All missions accepted as Mission of the Month must support the mission and vision of the United Methodist Church of Sun City Center. Because we currently have many applications, not every mission that applies will be accepted this year.
We will closely study the goals of your mission, the actual percentage of your proposed budget that directly supports the slated mission, and your plans for documentation and ongoing evaluation and accountability. Should we support your mission, we will ask for a follow up at the end of the year, stating how the funds that you received were used.
Please complete the enclosed application and return it to:
The United Methodist Church of Sun City Center
Attention: Missions Team
1971 Haverford Ave.
Sun City Center, FL 33573-5224
Blessings to you, and thank you for all that you do in moving forth in your mission to make a difference in our community and in God’s world.